India's only D2C conference for the g₹owth hungry teams

Nov 30. Bangalore.

Mission: Enable founders and growth teams to scale D2C revenue. 
Attended by: Teams responsible for revenue growth (leadership, marketing, engg)

Our Values

We always work hard to improve our goods and services to achieve higher results for our clients. We love challenging tasks that require an innovative approach. Thus, if your business needs a unique solution, we are ready to fine-tune our existing products to meet all your demands.
Our company is a group of devotees sharing mutual priorities and values. We know that only those committed to their work can provide the best-quality products and services. That’s why every person that wants to join our team should undergo rigorous selection.

Our Values

We always work hard to improve our goods and services to achieve higher results for our clients. We love challenging tasks that require an innovative approach. Thus, if your business needs a unique solution, we are ready to fine-tune our existing products to meet all your demands.
Our company is a group of devotees sharing mutual priorities and values. We know that only those committed to their work can provide the best-quality products and services. That’s why every person that wants to join our team should undergo rigorous selection.

Our Values

We always work hard to improve our goods and services to achieve higher results for our clients. We love challenging tasks that require an innovative approach. Thus, if your business needs a unique solution, we are ready to fine-tune our existing products to meet all your demands.
Our company is a group of devotees sharing mutual priorities and values. We know that only those committed to their work can provide the best-quality products and services. That’s why every person that wants to join our team should undergo rigorous selection.

Our Values

We always work hard to improve our goods and services to achieve higher results for our clients. We love challenging tasks that require an innovative approach. Thus, if your business needs a unique solution, we are ready to fine-tune our existing products to meet all your demands.
Our company is a group of devotees sharing mutual priorities and values. We know that only those committed to their work can provide the best-quality products and services. That’s why every person that wants to join our team should undergo rigorous selection.

Our Values

We always work hard to improve our goods and services to achieve higher results for our clients. We love challenging tasks that require an innovative approach. Thus, if your business needs a unique solution, we are ready to fine-tune our existing products to meet all your demands.
Our company is a group of devotees sharing mutual priorities and values. We know that only those committed to their work can provide the best-quality products and services. That’s why every person that wants to join our team should undergo rigorous selection.

Our Values

We always work hard to improve our goods and services to achieve higher results for our clients. We love challenging tasks that require an innovative approach. Thus, if your business needs a unique solution, we are ready to fine-tune our existing products to meet all your demands.
Our company is a group of devotees sharing mutual priorities and values. We know that only those committed to their work can provide the best-quality products and services. That’s why every person that wants to join our team should undergo rigorous selection.

Our Values

We always work hard to improve our goods and services to achieve higher results for our clients. We love challenging tasks that require an innovative approach. Thus, if your business needs a unique solution, we are ready to fine-tune our existing products to meet all your demands.
Our company is a group of devotees sharing mutual priorities and values. We know that only those committed to their work can provide the best-quality products and services. That’s why every person that wants to join our team should undergo rigorous selection.

Our Values

We always work hard to improve our goods and services to achieve higher results for our clients. We love challenging tasks that require an innovative approach. Thus, if your business needs a unique solution, we are ready to fine-tune our existing products to meet all your demands.
Our company is a group of devotees sharing mutual priorities and values. We know that only those committed to their work can provide the best-quality products and services. That’s why every person that wants to join our team should undergo rigorous selection.

“NextBigWhat events has been very focused and unadulterated in its approach - true entrepreneurs - the ones who have done it themselves come and share there experience which is much more valuable than any conference you attend.”

Varun Rathi, CEO (Happay)

Early bird ticketing is live!

Get 35% Off On D2CNext Tickets.
Price increases in


#BigIdeas on 👇

Finding channel market revenue fit
Driving Customer Retention
Funnel analysis
Performance marketing tips from the top brands
Logistics and International Expansion

All action and no-gyaaaaawn conf.

About D2C:Next Conf

India's D2C market is exploding at 38% CAGR, hitting $61.3 billion by FY27. Be at the forefront of this revolution.
D2C:Next Conf is aimed at bringing together growth marketers, founders and leaders from D2C / retail companies for all things resulting in sustainable ₹evenue growth.

what lies ahead

curated keynotes, workshops, panels, networking


Unicorns 🦄 to cockroaches🪳.

700+ Audience

Marketers, Founders, Growth Leaders

30+ Investors

Meet the whos who of the startup ecosystem: VCs, Angels and everybody !

Loved by G₹owth Teams

Teams responsible for growth and eventually, sustainable revenue.

  • Founders

    Immerse yourself in your industry and learn from others. Explore partnership / collaboration opportunities that take things to the next level.

  • Marketing / Brand Teams

    Learn the secrets from your peers #GrowthStack.
    Expect truth bombs you have never heard of.

  • Product and Engg leadership

    Checkout the new innovations happening in D2C tech stack. Explore collaborations that help you speed GTM.

  • D2C Enablers

    Your next big what customers are here !What are you even waiting for?

All for the community

NBW Conferences are more like Scotch Whiskey.More it ages, more it kicks!

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Aswin Naik


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Varun Rathi

CEO, HappPay


Early birds enjoy 35% discount (use the code: KULFI).Group discount : 45% for more than 5 member groups.


All your qns.

How will this work?

UnPluggd is an in-person conference - in Bangalore. Go ahead and register your seat.

When will the full speaker list be announced?

Towards Aug end. We take time to filter our speakers. A LOT of time to justify your time and attention.

I want to speak at #UnPluggd Conf

Go ahead and apply here.

Are Investors attending?

Yes. Of course.
And so are angels.

What about Workshops?

We will announce them soon. You can register for the ones you are interested in (the workshops will be charged separately).

We want to sponsor

UnPluggd conference gives you a great opportunity to engage with a wider audience and create a massive brand authority. Please connect with us to take this forward.

What else do we get as part of the audience?

Access to videos plus you will be part of the awesome NextBigWhat community!

All Big Things Start Here.

  • Build. Grow. Repeat

    AI is eating the software.Learn from global product leaders and founders on how to build lean product and team - yet deliver a great experience!

  •  Pitch / Hire

    Pitch your product in front of your TG.UnPluggd offers you access to decision makers from the top tech startups.

  • Network

    Network with India's product, tech leaders and investors. 
    More than 100+ investors attend UnPluggd conf.Pitch/Engage/Have a good time.

Past Speakers

NextBigWhat:Events has always featured the best thinkers in the industry.Our speakers, unlike any other conference in India are chosen from a wider category of businesses - they bring fresh perspective (and never a formulaic talk).

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    Sachin Bansal, Flipkart

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    Deepinder Goyal, Zomato

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    Mukesh Bansal, Myntra/Cultfit

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    Shishir MehrotraYoutube, Coda

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    Sangeet Paul,Author

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    Lalitesh Katragadda,
    Google India

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    Vijay Shekhar Sharma, Paytm

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    Gokul Rajaraman, Product Guru


UnPluggd and ProductGeeks is community-driven. You can apply yourself or nominate a speaker (deadline is July 23rd). PR teams, do get in touch with NextBigWhat team directly.

Explore Partnership

Got questions for us? Let us know using this form and we'll get back to you asap.

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Picture about company

Hear from the DOERS on 10X growth

Listen to over 40+ speakers that have scaled products, created big businesses. They will exclusively share it all with you so you too can apply them to your business.

Picture about company

No gyaan, just pure insights

We strictly follow a 'NO SAGE ON STAGE' approach.
That is, nobody gives you gyaan - all our speakers share their lessons learnt building and scaling companies, the failure and challenges they have been through. 
All from the trenches. 100% Unfiltered.
No other conference in India comes closer to UnPluggd when it comes to the quality of talks, attendees and conversations.

Partners from the earlier editions

  • Quantum CEO & our partners
  • Quantum CEO & our partners
  • Quantum CEO & our partners
  • Quantum CEO & our partners
  • Quantum CEO & our partners
  • Quantum CEO & our partners
  • Quantum CEO & our partners

Contact for Sponsorship